Lillie was four

months on the 13. Our computer has been giving me problems so I have had a hard time keeping up or doing any posts. But we went to the doctor last week for those "fun" shots. Lillie is 27 1/8 inches long and weighed 18 lbs 5 oz!!! She is getting so big.
A few days before she hit the four month mark she rolled over both ways. She had been trying to get from her back to her tummy forever and she finally made it over that arm! She never really tried to roll from her tummy to back but when I put her on her tummy she just rolled right to her back. Now she just rolls accross all over the place. We also started food this month and she seems to like everything we have tried so far. She is also sitting up on her own now as well! I can't believe how big she is getting.