Uncle Drew and Mr Kyle the snow cone makers!
Ty, Blake and Evan
Jumping in the Castle
Oh my I can't believe my baby is three!!! Our little Lillie turned 3 on the 13Th! On her actually birthday she got her favorite breakfast, McDonald's pancakes and she got a Fancy Nancy doll! She is the only doll in our house that still has all her clothes on!! (Lillie is in a phase of stripping her babies to make them naked jaybirds!!!) On Friday we had her actually party, a Pink Poodle Party! It was a lot of fun. G made her a pink poodle skirt to wear but it was a little big and hot so we took it off. G also has been taking a cake decorating class and so she made her Poodle cake and cupcakes with a little help from me!! Thanks G!!! We rented a bounce castle and told the kids to bring ride on toys. It was so much fun and the kids all had a blast running around outside and jumping in the castle. Uncle Drew came and brought his new snow cone machine and him and Mr. Kyle made snow cones for all the kids, another hit and I think that now Uncle Drew may have a small side business going with snow cones!! At the end we came in for some cake and presents then let the kids run wild! It was a lot of fun and thank you to everyone for coming and making her party extra special!!!
The kids had so much fun! Thanks for including us. Sarah has taken her pink poodle everywhere.
very cute party!! love the gift bags
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