Thursday, May 27, 2010

Preschool Graduation!

Mr. Evan officially graduated from Preschool on Wed! It was happy and sad all at the same time! We hosted the party at our house and all the kids brought their ride on toys and had a blast riding and playing all over the yard! We grilled out and had a little picnic. Mrs. Shannon did a graduation ceremony for the kids and gave them their diploma! They sang a song about kindergarten and then they moved their tassels and threw their hats just like in any other graduation! Evan is soooooo excited about going to kindergarten! We took him to register back in April and he got the chance to see where he would be going and to meet some of the teachers. His school makes a neat little DVD for them to watch that shows them around the school and what their day is going to be like. I think that I am just in disbelief that he is done with preschool. I had to fight back the tears the other day but so happy and thankful for this new adventure that we are about to take! And Miss Lillie will start preschool in the fall with Mrs. Shannon and she is super excited. Right now when I drop off Evan she cries to go be with Mrs. Shannon so I am hoping that her transition there will be easy!

It's Time for a Post!

Sweet Sister!
JoAnn, Me, Heather, and Leslie

My old roomies!

Sweet Annalyse

Evan up to bat!

Out in the field!

Lillie wanted us to take a picture of her eyeshadow!

Getting her flowers after her dance!

I am officially long overdue for a post! So I am going to play catch up for the last 3 months of our lives! Back in February I took a quick trip to NWA to visit a dear friend and meet her new baby girl! It was a fun trip and was nice to get away even though it was only for a day! I got to see some other college friends while I was there but best of all I got to hold and love one of the sweetest baby girls all day long! I admit I was a baby hog and loved every minute of it! Of coarse anytime between then and Easter Sunday is a complete blur for me since I painted over 100 buckets this year! Crazy I know and I am still in disbelief how that all happened. Lots of long nights here at the Gaston household! Also I had some pics from Easter Sunday but I think that I had a bad card for my camera and it erased a ton of pictures that I had. So moving along! Evan played baseball again this year. He moved up to the pitching machine. A little scary at first but he caught on and actually has been hitting it off the pitching machine! Lillie has been taking dance this year and a few weeks ago she had her recital! Oh how I have dreamed of this day forever! I was a little worried about her at rehearsal because she just stood there for the entire dance! She is the youngest in her class so I figured this might happen. So that day I begged her to do her dance when she got on stage and the little girl hammed it up and I really think that she found a love for being on stage! It was fun and she got flowers at the end and just thought she was hot stuff! That is the highlights of our last three months hopefully I will be a better blogger in the future!