4 years ago
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Lillie's First Haircut
Yesterday I took Lillie to get her first haircut. Her hair was not super long but it just needed some shape to it because she was looking a little shaggy. Evan got his haircut right before her and screamed the entire time so I just knew she would cry also. But she did awesome and sat there like a big girl and let Mrs Jessica do her thing. She now has a cute little baby bob that is a little stacked in the back! It is precious! A lot of people have told me that once they did the first haircut their little girls hair came in thicker so I hope this is the case for Lillie!!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Our friends the Perry's are going to move.
We helped host a going away party for our neighbors who are moving off to Denver. Brad was in Chicago so I went solo! It was a Haunted Luau costume party and we all had a great time. I was Alicia from Go Diego. My friends Heather and Kyle were Dora and Diego! Brooke got the best costume for being Ugly Betty. She was complete with her tin foil braces! There were also lots of other great costumes. We had a couple costume contest but I do not remember who won.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Well not much else has happened with the house. They finished the dormer for the bonus room but that is about all that has taken place. They have got the entire upstairs framed. Hopefully sometime soon I can post a picture of a fully bricked outside because I don't really feel like they are ever going to finish that part!!!
By the way I tried to include some side views of the house since I have mostly just posted the front.
Making Cookies!
The kids and I started making cookies yesterday. And yes it was a two day event. I cut out the cookies and baked them yesterday. Evan helped pick out the cookie cutters while Lillie watched. I think she got a little bored! ;) When they were almost done we had to make an unexpected trip to see Evan's ENT doc at Children's and I had a meeting later that evening so it really left us zero time to finish. So today I decorated them. So here is the finished product. Hopefully I will get better!!! The kids loved them as you can see by Lillie's face!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Old Fashion Day 2007
My friend Brandi and I decided to once again be brave and ventured to downtown for Old Fashion Day. Old Fashion Day is at the courthouse lawn. People have booth's with all kinds of crafts and other items. So we loaded the kids and strolled around. The boys painted pumpkins and got a wooden car. I got Lillie a cute little handmade doll that this little old lady was selling. They kids enjoyed strolling and seeing everything until a man gave Evan a balloon and he thought it was going to blow away so we had to leave! Fun Times!!!!
A Blast from the Past!
When I was little my Granny Lott use to live over on Lake Catherine in Diamond Head. My brother and I would love to go over there because they had a playground with a Rocket slide. (Granny would also have candy for us!) Well my parents are currently building a lake house over at Diamond Head and guess what, the Rocket is still there!!! Here are some pics from one of our trips to check out the house. These were on Lillie's actual birthday. The funny thing is that it has not changed on bit, they have all of the same slides and swings as they did when we were little. The kids love going here and when we went today first thing Evan said was, "I want the rocket slide!"
Saturday, October 13, 2007
We Have an Upstairs
Well they have got the upstairs room all framed. They put in the stairs and everything this past week. I think that they still have to put in a half bath but I am not real sure. I am so glad that we decided to do this I was unsure at first just because I could not picture how the stairs would be but now I am so excited about the room! Oh and our stone arrived so hopefully I will have some pics of it soon!
(Notice the random old lady picking up cans around the house. She was a little creepy so I just sat in the car till she left)
Pumpkin Patch 2007
We headed out for our annual trip to the Pumpkin Patch this morning. It was just me and the kids for this trip. We had lots of fun. Our friends that are photographers set up a scene there and do pictures so after getting some pics made we ventured out to see all the pumpkins!!! We let Carson and Harrison (the photographers kids) tag along with us! Evan loved the hanging bigger boys. We ventured around the pumpkins then went down to the hay to play in the tunnel they had made. We didn't get to ride the hayride because Lillie got fussy and was tired so we ended up leaving.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Arkansas State Fair
I know call me crazy but my friend Brandi and I took the kids to the state fair today. Her little boy is just a few months younger than Evan so we had lots of fun. Evan and Eliot had so much fun riding all the kiddie rides. He even rode the kiddie roller coaster with me. I think that he is going to be our little thrill seeker! I also had to climb in this maze with him which had a swinging bridge and other fun stuff for mommy! Brandi got lucky because Eliot was a little bit hesitant about some of the stuff and she didn't have to do them. Lillie went as well although she only got to ride the merry go round and some little dump trucks that I could ride with her. She was a trooper and waved at all the kids as they went by. The boys also got to feed some goats which Eliot seemed to enjoy more than Evan since he is scared of goats for some reason. Over all we had a great time and now that I know that Evan likes the rides we may have to venture up to Silver Dollar City in the Spring!!!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Our Silly Lillie
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