While in Oklahoma City we decided to go to see the Memorial. Mom and I went to the Memorial in 2000 when we were there for a wedding but since Dad had not been we decided to make a stop. I remember being in the 11th grade and my history teacher bringing in a TV for us to watch this on the news. There are two gates that stand at each end that have 9:01 and 9:03 which frames the moment of destruction with a reflection pool that is only 3/4 of and inch deep that makes with the street use to run. The field of empty chairs is for the 168 people who lost their lives that day. It is so sad to see all the small chairs which represent all of the children. The picture of the tree with the wall around it is called the Survivor Tree. It is an American Elm which was in a parking lot that was surrounded by burning vehicles and still survived. The Church across the street has the statue pictured above that simply says And Jesus Wept.
4 years ago