Getting ready for fireworks!

She was so excited!

To cute not to share

Our new friend Gretchen

Cousin Will
I have been the worst blogger lately but we have been busy around here and have had a few visitors at our house!! But here are some pictures from the past few weeks.
For the 4Th we didn't have big plans since Lillie was in the cast so we went to Dicky Stephens Park with Grandad, Gee and Ryan to watch the fireworks. It was a lot of fun and nice to no be in such a big crowd over at the river.
We have also had some friends in town. First some friends from Chicago came into town. The adults did dinner one night and the next night Ken came to our house with their daughter Gretchen to play with our kids. Her mom had a big night at Frankie's Cafe! (I laugh because she is originally from here and she loves that place) and her big brother Griffin was busy playing with his older cousin. Gretchen turned 2 in the spring so the kids had the best time with her!
Later that same week Brad's cousin Will was in town on business and came down for dinner at our house. He sat out on the deck with the kids and blew bubbles for them so he was an instant hit with them.
Last week we had VBS and sadly I forgot to take my camera to get any pictures. I was a recreation leader and Evan was in the 3 year old class. He had lots of fun. I also had fun playing games with all of the preschool age kids!! Lillie was there as well but in the nursery with all of her friends. She also got her cast off on Thursday. She did so good and everything is healed. The ladies in the office all commented on how well she did with the cutting of the cast. She really didn't cry although she tried so hard to get those fake ones out!!! And yes we kept the cast!