4 years ago
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
1st Day of the First Grade!!
Evan started the 1st grade this year. The pics are a little out of order. The first pic is in is room. The two pics of him in the green shirt are from the last day of Kindergarten and then the last one is the 1st day of 1st grade. I am amazed at how much he has changed. He looks so grown up. That last little bit of baby face is slowly disappearing. I love listening to him read to me and how he will sound out words. It is precious! Although it makes me sad to see his little life flying by, I am also so thankful to see him grow and learn new things.
Summer Time
We spent most of our summer at the lake house. The kids would go over on Thursday night and would stay through Mon. They both are little water bugs and we spend every minute in the lake or in the neighborhood pool. They have amazed me with their swimming this summer. Evan is fearless and all he wants to do at the pool is be in the deep end. He wants to dive down in 11 ft of water just to touch the bottom. He has been jumping off the high diving board all summer. Lillie started off a little timid in the water but by the end of the summer she was swimming all over the pool floatie free. Toward the end of the summer they closed the small diving board. Lille really wanted to jump so I told her to jump off of the big board. She climbed up and I figured that she would just climb back down but she actually jumped! I was shocked and she loved it so from that point on I had to make her take breaks from jumping.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Time again for an Update!!
So I am a terrible blogger these days! I guess I will start doing marathon post every 6 months!! Ha! We have had a lot going on and since I have started back to work full time, it is hard to find time to do any kind of update. So check out the post below for a little update as to what has been going on in our little world!
Lillie's Preschool Picnic
Well 3 year old preschool is officially over with for Miss Lillie. We celebrated the last day at our house with a picnic. We had lots of yummy food and all of the kids had a blast riding all of their toys around outside. This year has flown and I know that Lillie will miss all of her friends this summer.
Jungle Party Tonight!
His buddy Koen
Evan's kindergarten play was last week. It was so cute! The kids got to pick what they wanted to be in the play. We had just been to see Rio so he of coarse wanted to be a blue parrot like Blue from the movie. So thankfully, I have a crafty mom and together we made his costume! It was so funny! I have to say that his class has some very creative moms cause they had some super cute costumes in the play! Evan was picked for a speaking part. This was so funny because all of the kids put their mouths so close to the microphone and talked so fast that you could not understand a word that anyone said! But we had a fun party in the jungle, they performed two times during the day for the entire school and one time that night for parents and family. After the second daytime performance they had a celebration for all of the kids. I can't believe that he is down to his final days of kindergarten!
Welcome to the Copa Cabana!
Bikini Bottom!
I love dance recitals! This year was so much fun with Lillie. First of all, I decided to change studios and it was the best decision for her. She has loved it this year. She has looked forward to going every week which made me so happy! Her recital this year was at Robinson Center Music Hall. Lillie thought she was hot stuff getting ready in the dressing rooms backstage and getting to wear lots of make-up! Her tap dance was called Bikini Bottom and her ballet was Angel of Mine. Loved both of her costumes! This girl loves the stage and everytime she finished a dance all she wanted to know was when she got to go back up and dance again! Her teacher Mrs. Brooke has asked her to be apart of the BAM! Dance Company, which is the competative dance team. So this fall she will start taking an extra night a week to get ready for competitions!
Uncle Drew's Wedding
Easter weekend my brother Drew got married!!! We are so excited to have Britton join our family! I must say that Evan and Lillie adore her!!!!! They had a private ceremony in her Aunt's backyard. It was just parent's, grandparents, sibling's and niece's and nephew's and then they had a huge reception at Pavilion in the Park. There was lots of yummy food, two amazing cakes and lots of amazing details. Here are just a few of my favorite details from the reception. They had a table set up for favors with their favorite things. They had candles, jelly beans, cigars and a few more things that were things they loved. They both are big hot tea drinkers so at one end they had a hot tea and coffee bar. On the other end there was a bar set up with a sign that said "Drew's Brew" were they served all of my brother's favorite beers. At Britton's showers she had pieces of paper that the guest could write notes to her and Drew. Her florist made paper cranes and then they hung them above the dance floor. My favorite was their band! They were so fun. At the beginning of the reception they all started out on tuxedo's like any normal wedding band would. They played for a bit then took a quick break and when they came back they were decked out in mullet wigs and funky clothes! It was so funny and a shocker to all the guest.
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